Sunday, July 06, 2008

a fortress and a pepsi

Two hours ago I was standing on top of a partially reconstructed fortress overlooking Sarajevo. On the way back home I drank a Pepsi. Today is a good day.

Because there is no chance that I will be able to post anything that in anyway satisfies my desire to communicate what things have been like in Bosnia, I'll leave that until I get back and go through the painful experience of distilling six weeks into a letter that's both informative and readable.

Also, I kind of like not being connected to the rest of the world. This is the first time in over two weeks I have used a computer. And just in case you were wondering the world still exists out here and it's quite wonderful.

For all who have emailed me, sorry, but I won't be responding until I get back. And who knows, maybe I'll even wait a few weeks just to rebel a little.

Oh, I'm almost finished with Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller. Thanks James, I do like it better than Blue Like Jazz. Also, praise Jesus, Sarajevo gets Discovery and Bear Grylls is super with Bosnian subtitles. Also, Scrubs in German is not as funny, or wait, even more funny!?!


Ryan said...

Sounds amazing, Adam. I can't wait to hear about everything ... when you finally feel like sharing. And glad to hear you enjoyed a Pepsi, not Coke.

Megan said...

I have been looking EVERYWHERE for that book....brat! :) Just make sure you bring it back with you - I'm not finished with it yet. I'm going to the Braves/Dodgers game today. Wish you were here to go with me!