Tuesday, October 17, 2006

what's in a box?

Pandora.com is currently my favorite web site. Check out this blog by a good friend from whom I learned about the site. About a week ago the office internet at MS Walker went down and with it all our SPAM and web filtering. I had tried to access Pandora at work but it only received the infuriating "Access Denied" page to delight my screen. However, through some fluke, dare I say divine intervention, once the internet problem at work was resolved, I have full access to Pandora and all it's treasure. For the last six days of work I've listened to music non-stop. Result: increased CAD proficiency, positive worker moral, minor embarrassing moments of being caught either singing along or breaking into a drum solo. This may just be the best music site ever. Listen to this for a while if you want. It's a station based on about six different artists.