Tuesday, January 31, 2006

hollow man

It's that feeling when you've stayed up super late and haven't moved for the last three hours. The invention of the computer is weird in that you can do so much without moving anything but your fingers. My mind is telling me that I have just accomplished an amazing task and written someting possibly worthy of being published, yet my body says, "What...uh... you're still awake? Dude, I shut down ages ago. You want me to do what now!!? (do the question marks or exclamations usually go first?? anyone?)"

So here I sit. I'll convince my body to move and go to bed, after I convince it it's not already there.

I'll continue my search for meaning and purpose tomorrow. Now I must sleep.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Um it's ?!? I think?!? Want to figure out your purpose, go here:
Or don't.