Tuesday, September 16, 2008


A really great film, somewhat self-discovery-coming-of-age in a fantasy world that rivals Baz Luhrmann, Tim Burton, and Michel Gondry. It's Neil Gaiman's Mirror Mask. Mildly similar to The City of Lost Children, but not really. I absolutely love Gaiman's dialogue. Favorite line: (upon seeing the future and being transformed from the fantasy world to the real world Valentine exclaims) "I don't want to be a waiter!"

Next, I'm starting out a new practice. When I'm done with campus I ride the bus back to the downtown station and walk the 200 feet over to Dagny's, order a large white ice tea, find a comfortable chair (which there are by the plenty) and sit down to spend the next hour or so doing whatever. So far I've read and stared out the window, both are enjoyable. I play to do this everyday after going to campus. Next I'm going to try getting one of the humongous brownies. I'll keep you posted. Oh, and Rob, you should totally set up a goodreads.com account. Try to resist it, you can't.


JT said...

So weird. I feel like you are always finding random movies that I have enjoyed, books, and music! I really enjoyed mirrormask too. And City of Lost Children for that matter. How are we BOTH finding this stuff?!

Bill Loveridge said...

Read Rob's blog re: Dr. Peppers and be careful of those vanilla teas!
Mom :o)

Anonymous said...

I think this sounds like a perfect plan (except I still think you need to drink coffee like a man). A little cafe time is the best thing ever.