We're looking at the third day since the return from Bosnia and big surprise, I'm not sure exactly how I'm doing. I don't know how to just relax without feeling completely bored, but I have no energy to do anything of significance. What energy I do have is spent keeping Bosnia from becoming a figment of my imagination. The pictures help, but the bleak heat of Bakersfield provides a convincing counter-spell. Apparently my skipping of a few of the debriefing sessions in Austria are taking their toll.
-I've decided that I need to be a better reader = more reading, better books.
-Today I told Tina I need a hobby, but (1) it can't be expensive, (2) it can't require other people to enjoy it (i.e. Basketball, Paintball, Chess), and (3) it has to be something that can be enjoyed in small blocks of time.
So far I've got reading.
Here's a shot from the camp in Bosnia.

I miss people.
I miss you! Welcome back ...
Number one, Wordpress is so much better than blogger. Good move.
Number two, I think you and Brian both have a knack for photogaphy. That's my suggested hobby and 2 cents. :)O-o-o-or you should try to make a documentary of something using your mac. I can see "Month in the life of..." or "hidden past of..."
Hope processing time gets better.
You got puzzles (picture and word!), running, knitting, blogging, sketching, writing a screenplay, playing/making music, trying to nab the world record high score in Donkey Kong. Those are your only options.
All about the solitaire. :)
Jeremy is lying. Crocheting is also a viable option.
I tend to read and chase after a 1-year-old in my spare time. I'd like to get into gardening, but I feel like I should learn more about it before I start digging up my backyard and scattering seeds. Maybe you should get into gardening and then tell me what you've learned, though I doubt Bakersfield is that hospitable toward living things.
I would've said the same about Fresno, but I've seen the bounty of its produce at the Isch house firsthand.
Disc golf, stamp collecting and crafting things out of wood. More options. And cooking? And don't forget scrapbooking...
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