Saturday, September 22, 2007

new music from the library

Have I mentioned that I love the library? If you haven't noticed the new sidebar on the right that's keeping track of the CDs I currently have checked out...uh...take notice.

Today was a big one. Eight CDs, 1 (5th) season of Scrubs, and a Thousand Splendid Suns (the book, sheesh, get to a Barnes and Noble...)

Anyway, in order of my excitement-

1. Alexi Murdoch - Time Without Consequences (uh, Jose Gonzalez meets Jack Johnson, yeah)
2. Something Corporate - North (heard one song on Pandora or iTunes, lets check the rest out.)
3. Daniel Powter - (self titled) (Pandora or iTunes?)
4. The Flaming Lips - Transmissions from the Satellite Heart (Thank you Ryan Miller)
5. Modest Mouse - Good News for People Who Like Bad News (after ...Before the Ship Sank, I was hooked)
6. Fairfield Four - I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray (O Brother Where Art Thou, anyone?)
7. Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head (thanks Craig Weber)
8. Coldplay - X&Y (well, they had it too)

Still waiting for:
1. Flaming Lips - At War With the Mystics
2. Wilco
- Kicking Television
3. Shins - Oh Inverted World
4. Coldplay - Parachutes
5. Wilco - Sky Blue Sky
5. Wilco - Summerteeth
6. Amber Pacific - Truth in Sincerity
7. Bayside - The Walking Wounded
8. Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Any suggestions? (I await the sarcasm...)


Jeremy said...

You had something else up the other day that I was going to comment on. Now I can't remember. The Night Starts Here by Stars? The Avalanche by Sufjan Stevens?

And I've got Parachutes and Yoshimi if you want to borrow them. You're coming up next week for the Derek Webb concert, yeah?

Nod83 said...

I'm loving the music list. You got some really good ones on there. As for what Jeremy said, you should check out Sufjan Stevens, he's awesome! The Avalanche is really good and so is Seven Swans.