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It's that feeling when you've stayed up super late and haven't moved for the last three hours. The invention of the computer is weird in that you can do so much without moving anything but your fingers. My mind is telling me that I have just accomplished an amazing task and written someting possibly worthy of being published, yet my body says, "What...uh... you're still awake? Dude, I shut down ages ago. You want me to do what now!!? (do the question marks or exclamations usually go first?? anyone?)"
So here I sit. I'll convince my body to move and go to bed, after I convince it it's not already there.
I'll continue my search for meaning and purpose tomorrow. Now I must sleep.
I have a complaint to make. It's not acceptable to be sad. Since when is it that? It's like we believe if somebody is sad it's because something is wrong. If something is wrong, it's because there is a problem. If there is a problem, we can and must do everything to fix it. If somebody is sad for longer than, I guess a second, it's because somebody isn't fixing something. Not being able to fix something is wrong. We're American's darn it. We sent people to the moon. We invented light bulbs. We invented penicillin. We can fix anything. Why are you sad? You are not reinforcing the American Dream if you are sad. You are denying our super power to fix everything. STOP BEING SAD!! You're making me uncomfortable. If you were a good person you wouldn't be sad. If you were smarter, you wouldn't be sad. If you just had more faith, you wouldn't be sad.
Maybe if we didn't have a society where the only people who at least pretend to listen charge over $120 an hour, less people would be sad, or at least if they were sad they would feel okay to share it with the group and not fear being an outcast.
Why is it that whenever I'm trying to think of something I can't remember it: a song I really like and would like to purchase now, a book I'd like to read but the second I entered the library it vanished, what I'd like to get for Christmas or my birthday, which actually is today (although its 1am on what still feels like the 28th), and other things, like how to end a sentence with an actual strong point.
I'm getting older tomorrow. I guess that's how it works. We celebrate birthdays weird here in the west, I guess it's because we disregard the old as useless. Ironic that we are all at a pretty crisp pace heading towards that faithful end towards "uselessness."
I never know what to do for my birthday. Everyone always asks and I never know what to respond. And then they get disappointed if you don't have any good answers. It's like people are disappointed in you for not having planned a huge event and taking advantage of the "Well it's your birthday you should get to do everything you want, right?" clause. Which, by the way, doesn't exist. The moment you invoke it is the moment it disappears.
I'm going to sleep, my writing is starting to stink.
I realize that I don't really have a process that I follow to make a decision. Well, that's not entirely true; I don't have an intentional process that I follow. All I know is that at some point I'm making a decision and often I don't feel prepared, or worse, I do and I'm still not sure if I'm doing the right thing.
My mom always reminds me of this time when I was a kid. I still remember it as if it were yesterday. I had to choose between going on a week trip with my family that happened every year, one that I really enjoyed, or staying home and going to a friends birthday party and doing some other things. I think it was my first ever big decision. I distinctly remember standing in between our kitchen and the living room and complaining, "Why do I always have to make hard decisions?" I was almost in tears.
Now a decade or more later the only difference is that I don't tear up, at least when anyone is watching. Why do I have to make all the hard decisions? Does it even matter what I do. I won't be crazy, I won't be totally irresponsible, I won't be stupid. Tell me that it really doesn't matter what I do as long as it makes me happy. Tell me that it's okay to just make a decision because God's in control anyway and He's going to make use of you wherever you are. Tell me any of those things and I'll laugh in your face. I don't know. I want to believe that because I thought about something for ten days and then decided something, that that process makes the decision better than if I had decided the same thing with only two days of thought. Now that's crazy.
I'm not smart enough to make big decisions, but I am smart enough, I think, to realize that it's better for me to make them then let somebody else. In the long run, I will be a better person more capable of making hard decisions. My life will be more enjoyable than if I just do whatever the smartest person in the room tells me to do. Maybe the smartest person in the room could tell me and I could just say that's what I was thinking anyway. There I go again wanting my to eat my cake. I want somebody else to live my life, but I want to live it. That's an interesting complex that's got to have some cosmic ramifications. Or I'm just like everybody else.